About Rocki


"And though she be but little, she is fierce."

-William Shakespeare

There are so many words to describe Marakah Ori Dennis (Rocki) and the ones that stand out the most are loving, sweet and kind. Marakah loved herself and everyone around her. She loved life! She saw beauty in every situation and value in everyone. She was never quick to judge and gave people the benefit of the doubt. She didn’t sweat the small stuff and was very understanding and forgiving. She understood early that people and circumstances are not perfect and she accepted that. Just like the Serenity Prayer:  She understood and accepted the things she could not change; she demonstrated the courage to change what she could and had the wisdom to know the difference. She refused to sweat the small stuff and her motto was…it is what it is. She lived her life with purpose and had no regrets. She gave freely and completely of herself.  She was such a sweet and kind person.  If she said she was going to do something, she did. If there was a need, she was there to help in any way she could.  She valued all of her friends and respected their differences.  She was the peacemaker and found something to celebrate every day! 
She will be truly missed.