Testimonials from those who put wellness first, for themselves and their families
Carrie-Anne Moss
“Self-care is so much more than a beauty regimen or an external thing you do. It has to start within your heart to know what you need to navigate your life. A pedicure doesn't last, but meditating every day does.”
Tips for Self-Care During COVID-19
While it’s necessary to keep up-to-date and make changes to daily life in order to help control the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus), the constant news cycle coupled with social distancing measures can have a real impact on mental health. During times of change and uncertainty, it is ever more important to incorporate self-care and structure into your schedule. And while your typical self-care routine may no longer be available, there are ways to stay healthy and remain connected. Every day take a moment (or more) to take care of yourself.
(SOURCE: emmresourcecenter.org/resources/tips-self-care-during-covid-19)
Testimony: Isis Mone'
JULY 10, 2021 — 11 days ago I went to the hospital to get my 2nd steroid shot to help the babies lungs develop faster. After being there for a few hours the day before and getting lab work done, I noticed my platelet levels were dropping. I made sure to mention that to the doctors and requested they check my platelets again.
Once checked again, we noticed they were declining, again.. my high-risk doctor and I made the decision that our babies needed to come and they were going to be delivered in less than 24 hours my c-section was scheduled for the following Thursday, July 8th.
On June 30th, we welcomed our beautiful baby boys; Jaden, Jaxson and Jelani and we’ve been in love ever since.
After delivering the boys, I developed preeclampsia and was put on magnesium for 24 hours, I couldn’t hold our babies for over 24 hours. I was sad but I knew I needed to get better and healthy.
My husband spent several hours in the NICU holding each baby and spending time with them, FaceTiming me to see our babies and walking back and forth to check on me to make sure I was good (the real MVP )
Our baby boys stayed in the NICU for 3 days and then they were moved to the Step Down Nursery for 4 days. They passed all their tests in both the NICU and Step Down Nursery (little overachievers ) they came home 1 week after being delivered.
We were told from the start, triplets rarely come home at the same time, especially being born prematurely (they were born at 34 weeks and 2 days). All the nurses and doctors were surprised at how well #ThePowellTriplets were doing and how big they were.
So much has happened in between (I’ll share at another time) but #ThePowellTriplets are truly our world and a blessing from God.